coffee roasters and the beans i buy


Founder and third generation Kenyan coffee farmer Margaret Kemunto Nyamumbo saw how Kenyan women provided over 90% of labor in the African coffee industry. Sadly, these women farmers are largely uncompensated for their work and own just 1% of farmland in their country. She looks to consciously change this for the women with Kahawa 1893.

  • kenyan single origin
    • type: single origin
    • roast: medium-light
    • pour over
      • ratio: 1:15
      • beans: 20g
      • water temp: 205f (roaster recommended)
      • grind: 19
  • ethiopian - natural process
    • type: single origin
    • roast: medium
    • pour over
      • ratio: 1:15
      • beans: 20g
      • water temp: 205f (roaster recommended)
      • grind: 19
  • 1893 espresso
    • type: blend
    • roast: medium-dark
    • espresso
      • ratio: 1:1.8-2
      • beans: 18g
      • water temp: 198f
      • time: 28-32s
    • pour over
      • ratio: 1:20
      • beans: 30g
      • water temp: 195f
      • grind: 19

the equipment i use

references and roaster recipes

  • kahawa1893’s pour over
  • others that i know i bookmarked…and am still looking for where i saved them